VFFS Build for Food Industry Wash Down

Our latest commissioned LE360 has been designed and optimised for the bagging of a leafy salad product. Part of the customer’s specification required the protection against food-industry standard manual wash down processes.

It has been built in Type 316 stainless steel for strength at elevated wash down temperatures and for better corrosion resistance, as it is resistant to highly concentrated sodium hydroxide – the most commonly used chemical in food processing wash downs – whether manual or CIP (Clean-in-Place) wash downs.

While most 300-series stainless steel shafts and components are able to withstand harsh and caustic wash down environments without corroding; 316 stainless surfaces make them impervious to corrosive acids and salts, present in fruits and vegetables. 316-grade steel includes more molybdenum to better resist pitting.

316 stainless steel is the standard we use for all machines subject to wash down regimes.

In design we also paid particular attention to the machine footprint. We used small, adjustable, USDA specified feet, to both reduce the area contaminants that can collect and also to accommodate the slope of the floor for drainage without shimming, further minimising areas for entrapment.

What is the Best Rinse Pressure for Cleaning in the Food Industry?

Found an interesting Blog Piece on the subject here…


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